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Long distance love.... Real love or just an online thing?

Long distance love.... Real love or just an online thing?

How can we know?  With all we feel and suffer, and love.  Is the kind of love that doesn't require 
physical contact to show it.  Only a few words and some pictures to show us that everything is 
okay, that there is no problem.  Get to know somebody, tell each other your sadness and 
happiness, talk about what have you done in your day, in your life.

Sometimes the longest relationships are these ones.  Something that's been happening almost 
two decades.  This relationship goes farther than "cybersex" or a "test of love" if you know what 
I mean.  You can spent long hours in front of a computer, sending pictures, videos, audios.  Talk 
over the phone to just know how the person is, listen to his or her voice and show them you 
really care about them.  You live some beautiful things.

We also have the difficult times.  You do not have the person you want and love by your side.  
The one you can take out of your mind, not even for a minute and you wonder when will you be 
able to be together.  Start asking if is real, if the person is thinking about you and why does not 
call you or write a simple e-mail.  That is one of the things that you have to face.  Sometimes a 
relationship of few months or even years.

But, what happens when is time to end it?  You are full of illusions.  But that's it, only illusions.  
You thought about a moment to finally be with that person and you see how all your yearnings 
crumbles in front of you.  They write or tell the words that you wished nobody tell you and wish 
that everything were a lie.  You feel like you are being destroyed inside, your heart breaking and 
then that feeling of emptiness.

You decide stop everything to avoid more pain.  Take different ways and you start to think what 
will happen to you, what about the other person.  You don't want it to be over.  You don't want 
that person to walk out of your live.  You are afraid that the person can find somebody else who 
can replace you and you turn to be only a memory of an internet fling.  How can you avoid it?  
That person can find somebody to be with physically, who can hug, can kiss, who can see every 
day.  You just need to affront the situation and decide to end it.  It is easier than fight against 
something that obviously you cannot win.  Your eyes get teary and all your illusions start to fall.
You got to be strong.  It doesn't mean you can't cry.   You need to cry.  Let it go, try to ease the 
pain in your soul.  Then you just keep going on with life, because you promised that everything 
will be okay and maybe in the future if there is a chance, you will meet.  That is when you close 
you heart until you can feel good.  Think why or what happened and wish for the future where 
the both of you can get together and work it out.

Some people believe in these kind of love, other they just condemn it and make fun of other 
who dare to live it.  Maybe because of bad experiences.  The poor ones who believe in it, they 
only love and feel loved and have the hope that they will, some day, meet the person in the 
other side of the computer, even they are crossing the ocean.

Carlos Julian Rodriguez
December 11, 2007 (Spanish version)
December 04, 2014 (translated)


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