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Our Universe

Our Universe

     Have you ever wondered how the universe is?  Have you seen images of the galaxies, stars,
black holes and other events that happen outside our own planet?  It is true that all those
explosions, clashes and collisions between galaxies and stars, formation of new suns and their
evolution are one of the most wonderful things?  Have you ever thought that, in some way, the
same thing that happens up there, happen here, to us?

     Yes, we live in a micro cosmos of what happens in a bigger proportion.  The same way a star is
formed, a baby is born.  And the same way when somebody dies down here, a star can die
(obviously we can obviate that a star, at the end of their cycle, can explode in a nova or a super
nova, depending how massive it was.  But also can be use as an example of somebody using
their experience in life to help other, the same way a supernova explodes and can be the
beginning of a new generation of stars or even a black hole).  Also we can see how we clash
between us and destroy each other like one galaxy is going to collide with another and create a
chaos, a disorganization within their systems that last for millions of years until it reorganize
itself again and there is a new galaxy with a different shape.  That happen to us as well, we
have problems, clash of ideas, with other peoples, situations that impact us that take us to a
spinning wheel, where the day and night looks eternal and nothing seems to be normal again. 
And we only have to wait.

     But everything is part of a specific order, no?  The same way those phenomena happen in
space, we get to live it.  There is people that take all our energy, happiness and the desire to
live, and that people we can call them the black holes.  Black holes have a strong gravity that
not even light can escape from them.  When we are close to these people we get to feel the
same gravity pull; get sucked into a negative state.  They take all the happiness you have and
turn it into nothing.

     That's why we have to learn from novas and supernovas.  We should keep shining, knowing
that someday we will stop producing that fuel that give us live and make sure to leave a legacy
of light so a new generation can learn from us.  Be the spark.  Like a star.

     But meanwhile, let’s keep shinning, dancing to the rhythm of the universe.  We only need to
close our eyes, listen and let go.  Everything have an order, and even the chaos is way of
order.  After that stage and we manage to transform, we will notice that the same way galaxies
change after universal's cataclysms, we change as well our way of thinking and acting because
we start viewing the world with new eyes.

Carlos J. Rodriguez
May 27, 2008 (Original Spanish version)
December 4, 2014 (Translated)


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